What if?

What if?

Friday, March 25, 2011

Baby, Baby, Baby Ohhhhh!

Okay, so I've had all these videos on my computer for some time now, and nothing to do with them. So tonight, I had one of those "light bulb" moments. Why not make some movies?!?! Owning a Mac makes life so easy (#Winning?), and I must say after a few "blonde moments", I figured out how to operate iMovie pretty easily.....(with a little help).

Now, I'm not claiming to be a young Scorsese or James Cameron, but I did have a lot of fun putting this "movie" together. So Enjoy! : )

My nieces and nephew are the loves of my life! The entire time I was editing this video I was cheesing from ear to ear. We had so much fun the few days they stayed with me while the madness of Skylar's arrival was going on.

I am kinda addicted to iMovie now....so expect more videos!

 My Loves and I
 Skylar Jo at Christmas...


  1. A STAR IS BORN...welcome to the world SKYLAR..


  2. oh im gonna cry... you are most def the best sister ever. great footage... btw who was that gorgeous chick at the end... oh that was me..lol

  3. when u gonna blog about your sister?
